"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"Amir E. Aharoni",
"André Costa",
"Andrew Garrett",
"Arthur Richards",
"Bahodir Mansurov",
"Bartosz Dziewoński",
"Brad Jorsch",
"Chad Horohoe",
"Dan Garry",
"Derk-Jan Hartman",
"Erik Möller",
"Étienne Beaulé",
"Federico Leva",
"Florian Schmidt",
"Joaquin Hernandez",
"Jon Robson",
"Juliusz Gonera",
"Katie Filbert",
"Max Semenik",
"Patrick Reilly",
"Peter Collingbourne",
"Purodha Blissenbach",
"Raimond Spekking",
"Ryan Kaldari",
"Sam Reed",
"Sam Smith",
"Siebrand Mazeland",
"Srikanth Lakshmanan",
"Theo Patt",
"Tony Thomas",
"Yuki Shira",
"Yuri Astrakhan",
"Yuvaraj Pandian"
"abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-user-mobile": "Whether or not a user is editing through the mobile interface",
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"mobile-frontend-cite-error-title": "Error loading citations",
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"mobile-frontend-cite-none-available": "There are no citations available for this page.",
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"mobile-frontend-copyright": "Content is available under $1 unless otherwise noted.",
"mobile-frontend-desc": "Mobile Frontend",
"mobile-frontend-diffview-404-desc": "The ID for the revision you requested does not exist.
This is usually caused by following an outdated diff link to a page that has been deleted or a diff link containing invalid characters.",
"mobile-frontend-diffview-404-title": "Bad revision",
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